Saudi-led coalition launches airstrikes on Houthis-controlled camps in Yemen's capital: Houthi media

Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-18 21:16:01|Editor: huaxia

SANAA, Nov. 18 (Xinhua) -- The Saudi-led coalition launched multiple airstrikes on military camps controlled by the Houthi militia in the Yemeni capital Sanaa early on Thursday morning, Houthi-run al-Masirah TV reported.

The airstrikes hit Dhahban and Al-Nahdayn camps in northern and southern Sanaa, the television said without providing further details.

The airstrikes came hours after the Saudi-owned Al-Arabiya TV reported that the coalition intercepted a bomb-laden drone aimed at Saudi Arabia's Abha International airport.

The Iran-backed Houthi militia has recently intensified cross-border missile and drone attacks. In February, the Yemeni rebel group began a major offensive against the Saudi-backed government army to capture the oil-rich province of Marib in central Yemen. Enditem

KEY WORDS: Yemen,Houthis,Conflicts