Top Chinese diplomat Wang Yi's remarks in Germany resonate with social media users worldwide

Source: Xinhua| 2020-02-16 17:16:17|Editor: huaxia

--The world is a global village and so we Nigerians stand by you until victory is achieve(d)!Up China and world, together we unite!

--The USA is showing outright its true colors: envy, jealousy, siege mentality, superior complex, inferior complex, lies after lies...

--This man is speaking wisdom. Nothing more.

Social media users worldwide respond warmly to Wang Yi's words in Germany.

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi speaks in an interview with Reuters in Berlin, Germany, Feb. 14, 2020. (Xinhua/Wang Qing)

MUNICH, Germany, Feb. 16 (Xinhua) -- Wang Yi's quotable quotes are resonating with social media users worldwide as he continues to offer remarkable lines during his German visit for the Munich Security Conference.


"True gold can stand the test of fire," Wang said in an interview with Reuters in Berlin on Friday before he attends the 56th Munich Security Conference held in Munich Friday to Sunday.

A medical team member poses for a photo before leaving for Xianning City of Hubei Province at Changshui International Airport in Kunming, capital of southwest China's Yunnan Province, Feb. 12, 2020. (Xinhua/Jiang Wenyao)

The Chinese people will emerge more resilient and united, while the Chinese economy more solid and sustainable, with the test of COVID-19, he said.

"Adversity reveals true friendship," Wang quoted another Chinese saying. As China battles the disease together with the world, its friendship and trust with other countries will be strengthened and deepened, Wang added.

Wang's use of Chinese saying on COVID-19 attracted extensive attention and numerous comments from social media users worldwide, who swarmed to show their support and friendship.

"The world is a global village and so we Nigerians stand by you until victory is achieve(d)!Up China and world, together we unite," Abdullahi N Yahaya wrote under Xinhua's Facebook post about Wang Yi's lines on COVID-19.

Photo taken on Feb. 14, 2020 shows a view of an activity showing support for China's fight against the novel coronavirus at a school in Ayutthaya province, Thailand. (Xinhua/Rachen Sageamsak)


Answering questions on Huawei's 5G technology at the Munich Security Conference on Saturday, Wang said he believes that European countries will make wise choices on the issue independently.

There is no doubt that all countries should safeguard the security of their own telecommunications infrastructure, he said. But at the same time, companies from all countries should also be offered a level playing field and non-discriminatory business environment.

A staff member tests the speed with a Huawei 5G mobile phone at Huawei 5G Innovation and Experience Center in London, Britain, on Jan. 28, 2020. (Xinhua/Han Yan)

"The United States has mobilized its national power and even tried to mobilize its allies for a concentrated suppression of Huawei," he said in a previous interview in Berlin. "I'm afraid this is mostly because of Huawei's great success."

"Why can't the United States accept that other countries' companies can also display their talent in the fields of economy and technology?" said the top Chinese diplomat.

"Perhaps deep down, it doesn't hope to see other countries develop. It doesn't want to see that other countries' enterprises can become big and strong," he said.

World social media users showed their agreement by leaving comments under Facebook posts and tweets about Wang's words on Huawei.

Matt Tuoni wrote: "The US will literally do anything to maintain its dominant position in the world financial, economic, military order".

Adrian Leo wrote: "Now finally there is a genuine competitor and the USA is showing outright its true colors: envy, jealousy, siege mentality, superior complex, inferior complex, lies after lies..."


Wang also stressed the importance of multilateralism in addressing common challenges of mankind.

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi speaks in an interview with Reuters in Berlin, Germany, Feb. 14, 2020. (Xinhua/Wang Qing)

The COVID-19 epidemic reminds people how traditional and non-traditional security threats interweave in this era. No country can stay alone and be immune to the threats. Instead, all countries are inter-connected and share a common destiny, he said.

"We need to get rid of the division of the East and the West and go beyond the difference between the South and the North, in a bid to build a community with a shared future for mankind," Wang said.

Henry Graham wrote on Facebook: "This man is speaking wisdom. Nothing more." Nestor Morales Bacani wrote: "A proposal and diplomatic invitation worthy of consideration. In fact an urgent call! No hegemonic bullying coming from the West that we are so used to."