Library adjacent to rice field

Source: Xinhuanet| 2021-11-16 08:13:00|Editor: ZD
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As a returned overseas student born in 1995, Xu Jiajie loves the nature and his hometown because of his unforgettable memories of his childhood in rural areas. Knowing it is very difficult for rural children to have access to reading, he decides to set up a library in his hometown after he finished higher education abroad two years ago.

Xu's library opened with not many books at the beginning. But now he has a collection of more than 5,000 copies of books with the help of local government. And in cooperation with Zhongshan City Library, the library can help children borrow and return books from the city library.

Today, Xu's library is very popular in his hometown. It is now complete with a reading room and a snack bar. Moreover, it has also attracted some of his former classmates to work together with him to develop rural tourism to revitalize rural economy.