Xi says China to continue promoting relationship with Israel

Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-17 19:54:19|Editor: huaxia

BEIJING, Nov. 17 (Xinhua) -- China will take the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with Israel next year as an opportunity to promote the sustained, healthy and stable development of their innovative comprehensive partnership, Chinese President Xi Jinping said Wednesday.

In a phone conversation with his Israeli counterpart, Isaac Herzog, Xi said China highly values its relations with Israel, and is ready to work with the Israeli side to bring more benefits to their people.

Noting that both the Chinese nation and the Jewish nation have a time-honored history and civilization, Xi said the two sides enjoy enduring friendly exchanges, which have left many heart-touching stories worth remembering.

Since the establishment of China-Israel diplomatic ties, Xi said, the two countries have adhered to the key principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and non-interference in each other's internal affairs.

Their relationship has achieved rapid and sound development and their pragmatic cooperation in various fields has yielded positive results, he added.

Xi stressed that China and Israel have complementary economic advantages, and are fully capable of carrying out mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation.

Some Chinese enterprises have actively taken part in Israel's infrastructure construction, and many Israeli innovative companies have settled and developed in China, Xi said.

Noting that the two sides have jointly built such landmark projects as the new port of Haifa, the China-Israel Changzhou Innovation Park and the China-Israel (Shanghai) Innovation Park, Xi said innovation has become a highlight and booster of bilateral relations.

China is ready to deepen cooperation with Israel in such fields as science and technology, agriculture and health care, and expand exchanges and cooperation with Israel in culture, education, tourism, sports and other areas, so as to lay a solid foundation for the friendly public opinion between the two countries, he said.

Xi added that China welcomes Israel to actively participate in the Global Development Initiative. Enditem

KEY WORDS: China,Israel,1ST LD