
GLOBALink | Afghan businessmen look forward to increasing pine nuts exports to China

Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-17 21:15:47|Editor: huaxia

MEHTARLAM, Afghanistan, Nov. 17 (Xinhua) -- "The resumed pine nuts export to China has encouraged local traders to further invest in the profitable seeds to increase their income and to create job opportunities for others," Afghan trader Noor Mohammad said.

"I have hired about 120 people to collect and clean pine nuts for me every day," Mohammad, a resident of Afghanistan's eastern Laghman province, told Xinhua.

Mohammad, 42, described China as a good market for Afghan pine nuts and welcomed the resumption of export of the profitable seeds via air corridor to the neighboring country.

"The export of pine nuts to China leads to the increase of the price of the seeds, otherwise the price would drop and the pine nut traders would subsequently suffer," the local businessman said.

The air corridor between Afghanistan and China was launched in November 2018 aimed at boosting trade and economic relations, but it was suspended after the collapse of the U.S.-backed Afghan administration to the Taliban in mid-August this year.

Afghanistan resumed pine nuts export to China in late October via air corridor and the first flight carried 45 tons of the seeds to the neighboring country, marking the first export from Afghanistan to China since Taliban's takeover of the country.

"More exports of pine nuts to China would further serve our economic benefit at home," Mohammad said, adding that with the increase in pine nuts export to China, the price of the seeds would go up and more local traders would be encouraged to invest in the field.

Another Afghan trader, 38-year-old Rahimullah said the country is at a critical stage where poverty, unemployment and uncertainty have added to the suffering of war-weary Afghans, many of whom are living under the poverty line.

After the withdrawal of U.S.-led foreign forces and the establishment of the Taliban caretaker government, Afghanistan is facing multi-faceted economic woes including asset being frozen in the United States and bank activities being restricted at home.

More than 22 million out of Afghanistan's some 35 million population would face food shortage in the coming winter, according to the World Food Program (WFP).

"Pine nuts export to China has raised hope among local traders to invest in the profitable seeds and that is why I have hired about 150 daily wagers to work for me every day to clean the fruit," Rahimullah told Xinhua.

"It is my earnest wish to see the increase in the export of pine nuts to China as more exports and more profits would eventually improve our economic situation and living conditions," he said.

Pine nut trees are largely grown in the eastern Laghman, Nangarhar, Kunar, Kapisa, Nuristan, Khost, Paktia and Paktika provinces where thousands of people including women are directly and indirectly engaged in the business.

"Since pine nuts are profitable seeds, no doubt the investment in the fruit helps many people make profits directly and indirectly, and bring change to their livelihood," said Badam, who leased a jungle of pine nuts in Nuristan province.

"The populous China could be a good market for Afghan pine nuts," said Badam.

Produced by Xinhua Global Service

KEY WORDS: Afghan,pine nuts export