Kenyan police kill 2 gunmen in border region

Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-26 00:10:37|Editor: huaxia
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WAJIR, Kenya, Aug. 25 (Xinhua) -- Kenyan police killed two gunmen and recovered 4 AK rifles with 316 bullets during a shootout on Tuesday in Wajir county, northeast Kenya.

Rono Bunei, northeastern regional police commander said Wednesday that among those killed during the incident in Dabader area was a local police reservist believed to have gone rogue.

Bunei said the second victim was not immediately identified.

He said a team was patrolling in the Dabader area in Habaswein Sub County when they met the gunmen prompting a shootout.

Apart from the 316 bullets found on them, police said they also recovered 14 empty magazines, two military smoke jackets, four mobile phones and a solar panel.

Bunei said they had intensified patrols in the region to address sporadic attacks from al-Shabab militants and their sympathizers.

He urged for cooperation from locals in efforts to address insecurity which has affected transport, education and general development in the area.

"We must work together to ensure we tame these activities which are hampering development. It is a duty for everyone there to ensure there is security," said Bunei. Enditem

KEY WORDS: Kenya,Security