Mozambican president inaugurates new airport funded by China

Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-30 18:24:41|Editor: huaxia
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Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi (3rd R) learns about the information of a provincial airport financed by the Chinese government during the inauguration ceremony of the airport in Gaza province, Mozambique, Nov. 29, 2021. The airport, built with modern technology, is a historic landmark for the country's infrastructure, and it is expected to facilitate the development of tourism, industry, agriculture, and logistics in Gaza, thus boosting the regional and national economy, said the president. (Xinhua/Nie Zuguo)

MAPUTO, Nov. 29 (Xinhua) -- Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi on Monday inaugurated a provincial airport in the southern province of Gaza, which was financed by the Chinese government.

Speaking at the ceremony, the president highlighted the significance of the newly built airport and the friendly and cooperative relations between his country and China.

"It is with a sense of accomplishment that we have just inaugurated this new airport, linking all the airports across the country and allowing connections with the outside world as well," said the president, as Gaza was previously the only province in Mozambique without an airport.

The airport, built with modern technology, is a historic landmark for the country's infrastructure, and it is expected to facilitate the development of tourism, industry, agriculture, and logistics in Gaza, thus boosting the regional and national economy, said the president.

Efficient transport could facilitate country's development, promote national cohesion and unity, and contribute to good governance and political stability, he added.

With a designed potential annual passenger throughput of 220,000, the airport, located 30 km away from the provincial capital Xai-Xai, has a 1.8-km runway, a control tower in 28 meters high, and an apron enough to harbor four Embraer 170 airplanes, according to information released by Hebei Construction Group, one of the contractors.

The president praised China's role for always standing with African countries who are pursuing strong growth, integration, and industrialization.

"Nothing can separate those who have the same aspirations," he said, thanking China for its support.

Chinese Ambassador to Mozambique Wang Hejun, who also addressed the ceremony, said the construction of the project is one of practical outcomes of the China-Africa cooperation and in line with the Chinese government's philosophy of putting people first.

"I am confident that this airport will contribute to Mozambique's economic development, livelihood improvement and national progress, as well as the further cooperation between us in new era," said Wang, who thanked the contractors for overcoming difficulties to complete the project in time during the pandemic.

President Nyusi toured the infrastructure project and witnessed the landing of the new airport's first plane, which belongs to the country's national flag carrier LAM and went through the "water gate" as part of the ceremony. Enditem

Photo taken on Nov. 29, 2021 shows a provincial airport financed by the Chinese government in Gaza province, Mozambique. Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi on Monday inaugurated a provincial airport in the southern province of Gaza, which was financed by the Chinese government. (Xinhua/Nie Zuguo)

A visitor takes photos at a provincial airport financed by the Chinese government in Gaza province, Mozambiqu, Nov. 29, 2021. Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi on Monday inaugurated a provincial airport in the southern province of Gaza, which was financed by the Chinese government. (Xinhua/Nie Zuguo)

The first landed airplane passes the water gate during the inauguration ceremony of a provincial airport financed by the Chinese government in Gaza province, Mozambique, Nov. 29, 2021. Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi on Monday inaugurated a provincial airport in the southern province of Gaza, which was financed by the Chinese government. (Xinhua/Nie Zuguo)

Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi cuts the ribbon to inaugurate a provincial airport financed by the Chinese government in Gaza province, Mozambique, Nov. 29, 2021. The airport, built with modern technology, is a historic landmark for the country's infrastructure, and it is expected to facilitate the development of tourism, industry, agriculture, and logistics in Gaza, thus boosting the regional and national economy, said the president. (Xinhua/Nie Zuguo)

Photo taken on Nov. 29, 2021 shows an interior view of the terminal of a provincial airport financed by the Chinese government in Gaza province, Mozambique. Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi on Monday inaugurated a provincial airport in the southern province of Gaza, which was financed by the Chinese government. (Xinhua/Nie Zuguo)

KEY WORDS: Mozambique,Gaza Airport,China